Portici, 18/09/2023
27° Workshop of PhD Research in Food Science, Technology and Biotecnology
The conference scheduled for 13 to 15 September 2023 at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II has concluded.
Organized by the Italian Network of Doctoral Courses in Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology and by the University of Naples Federico II, the 27th edition of the Workshop represents a moment of comparison, in-depth analysis and debate entirely dedicated to doctoral students involved in research science in the food field.
Over 400 invited speakers, academic professors, young researchers and especially PhD students participated in the event. Organized in parallel sessions of oral communications, plenary lectures and poster discussion, the conference represents a three-day event dedicated to national research with reference to foods and food production processes. The sustainability of the contemporary agri-food offer and the evolution that the market is experiencing with reference to the growing offer of novel foods these are just some of the numerous topics addressed.
The What For Award was also awarded, sponsored by Federalimentare, worth 500 Euros and intended to motivate young scientists selected for the contribution of their work to the advancement of knowledge, in terms of innovation, problem solving or technological applicability of own research on a company scale.