Experts profile
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Prospero Di Pierro
Circular economy
and green economy

Silvana Cavella
Development of new products

Rossella Di Monaco
Sensory analysis
and consumer science

Paolo Masi
Development of new products

Francesco Aversano
Food law

Annalisa Romano
Tailored foods

Elena Torrieri
Food science
and technology

Fabian Capitanio
Economic resources
for innovation and development

Angela Sorrentino
Microbiological control of foods

Nicoletta Antonietta Miele
Emulsions, creams and sauces

Antonio Luca Langellotti
Aquaculture and processing
of fish products
Prospero Di Pierro
Prospero Di Pierro
Prospero Di Pierro has been Associate Professor of the University of Naples Federico II since 2017 where he teaches Biochemistry to students of the degree course in Food Technology and Enzymology Applied to Agri-food Processes to students of the Master’s Degree course in Food Science and Technology. Since 2019 he has been a member of the board of directors of the University Service Center for Innovation and Development in the Food sector (CAISIAL) and since November 2023 he has been its Director. Prospero Di Pierro has a degree in Biology (1992), a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology (1999) and a Specialization in Food and Nutrition Sciences (2000 at the Second University of Naples. Visiting Researcher at the Department of Chemistry Analytics of the Complutenze University of Madrid (2012). Italian manager for the executive program of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the United States of Mexico and Italy for the Agriculture and Agri-food research area (2015-2020).
Enzymology applied to agri-food and industrial processes for:
• the recovery and valorisation of by-products from the agri-food industry;
• assisted extraction of functional compounds from biological matrices;
• improvement of the technological properties of biological molecules to obtain emulsifiers, foamers and fat replacers;
• production of protein hydrolysates, bioactive peptides and cryoprotectants.
Enhancement of traditional products, study of the relationship between structure and properties of food emulsions and foams, Development of new food products, Food biochemistry.
Degree in Biology
PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Specialization in Food Science and Nutrition
Visiting Researcher at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Complutenze University of Madrid
Director of the University Center for Innovation and Development in the Food Industry CAISIAL
Silvana Cavella
Silvana Cavella
Silvana Cavella is Full Professor, for the scientific disciplinary sector AGR / 15- Food Science and Technology, at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II. She teaches the course of Unit Operations of the Food Industry, Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, and the course of Technologies for the Transformation and Preservation of Food Preparations, Degree in Mediterranean Gastronomic Sciences.
Silvana Cavella graduated in Chemical Engineering (1989), from the University of Naples Federico II and Research assistant at the Department of Food Science, Rutgers University, New Jersey USA (1991-92).
Modeling and optimization of unit operations of food processes, structure and physical properties of food products, development of new products, sweeteners, ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), creams, flours and derivatives.
Degree in Chemical Engineering
Research assistant at the Department of Food Science, Rutgers University, New Jersey USA
Full Professor of the University of Naples Federico II
Rossella Di Monaco
Rossella Di Monaco
Rossella Di Monaco is Associate Professor of Food Science and Technology at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples – Federico II. She teaches Physical and Sensory Properties of Foods at the Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology and teaches Sensory Evaluation of Foods at the Degree Course in Mediterranean Gastronomic Sciences. She is currently a councilor of the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and an elected member of the Board of the Department of Agriculture. She is a member of the editorial board of the journals Journal of Food Science and Technology (2014-) and Journal of Food Quality (2016-). Rossella Di Monaco graduated in Food Science and Technology in 2000, she obtained a PhD in Science and Agro-food Technologies in 2003; she was Visiting Researcher at the Food Technology Department of the University of Helsinky (2002) and was Visiting Professor at the Food Science Department of the University of Copenhagen (2013).
Formulation development and optimization; evaluation of the sensorial suitability of the product; identification of the sensorial drivers of consumer choice; authenticity of fish products; valorisation of traditional products; sensory performance of competing products on the market. The research activity is carried out, with various national and international collaborations, in the field of Sensory Sciences. Research is currently focused on the development and optimization of new sensory methods; on the sensitivity of individuals to different sensory stimuli; on understanding the relationships between sensory sensitivity, psycho-attitudinal variables, food preferences and choices; on the study of consumer perception and attitude towards sustainable food choices and towards new technologies used for food processing and preservation.
Degree in Food Science and Technology
Visiting Researcher at the Food Technology Department of the University of Helsinki
PhD in Agri-food Sciences and Technologies
Visiting Professor at the Food Science Department of the University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor in the Department of Agriculture, University of
Napoli- Federico II) -
Qualification for the functions of Full Professor
Paolo Masi
Paolo Masi
Paolo Masi has been Full Professor of the University of Naples Federico II since 1994. He is part of the Department of Agriculture and teaches Principles of Food Engineering and the Senior Project course for students of the Erasmus Mundus International Master FIPDes. He is the author of over 300 scientific publications, has been appointed member of the European Academy of Food Engineering and Full Professor of the Georgofili Academy. He was Vice President of the University of Sciences and Technologies for Life, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Director of the Department of Agriculture. Since 2005 he has directed the University’s Center of Servioxio for innovation and development in the food sector (CASIAL) and chairs the public private laboratory for the support of Agro-food industries (M2q Scarl).
Paolo Masi graduated in Chemical Engineering (1978), obtained the Msc. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin (1980) where he was Research and Teaching assistant at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Visiting REasercheral Department of Polymer Science of the University of Connecticut at Storrs (1981) and at the Department of Food Engineering of the ‘University of Massachusetts at Amherst (1986-87)
Development of new products, process optimization, enhancement of by-products from the agro- food and fish industry.
Degree in Chemical Engineering
Msc. in Chemical Engineering,
University of Texas Austin -
Research and teaching assistant at Department of Chemical Engineering
Visiting Researcher at Department of Polymer Science dell’University of Connecticut at Storrs -
Visiting Researcher at Department of Food Engineering of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Full Professor of the University of Naples Federico II
Director of the CAISIAL
President of M2Q Scarl
Annalisa Romano
Since 2017 he has been Researcher in Food Science and Technology (SSD AGR15) at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II, where he teaches “Processes of the Food Industry” for the Degree Course in Food Technologies since 2012. Since 2005 in 2017 she was technical scientific officer at the University Service Center for Innovation and Development in the Food Field (CAISIAL) of the University of Naples Federico II. She is currently the Head of the CAISIAL TRAINING section. Annalisa Romano graduated in Food Science and Technology in 1999, she obtained the title of PhD in Agro-Food Science and Biotechnology (2004) at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. She is visiting Researcher at the Technical Research Center of Finland – VTT in Espoo (FI) and the Institute of Food Research – IFR in Norwich (UK).
Development of new products with specific performances (e.g. healthy, gluten-free, low glycemic index, etc.) and optimization of food processes.
Degree in Food Science and Technology -
PhD in Agro-food Sciences and Biotechnology -
Technical scientific officer at the CAISIAL -
Professor of “Food Industry Processes” for the Degree Course in Food Technologies -
Researcher in Food Science and Technology at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II
Francesco Aversano
Francesco Aversano
Francesco Aversano is a lawyer registered with the Council of the Salerno Bar, with patronage in the Cassation. He carries out training activities in public and private institutions and has taught as a contract lecturer at various universities. He currently teaches the course of Food Law for students of the degree course in Mediterranean Gastronomic Sciences of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II. He is the author of articles, essays and publications in the agri-food sector, and numerous monographs. Francesco Aversano graduated in Law (1993) and obtained the title of PhD in Italian and Comparative Agricultural Law (2007).
Analysis, studies, opinions and processing of legal notes on the application of national, European and international food regulations relating to agri-food legislation and food safety. In particular: Setting and control of labeling, presentation and advertising on packaging, websites, social networks and media. Nutritional and health claims. Activities of food sector operators with regard to E-commerce and food delivery. Verification Fair trade practices and correct information. Competition discipline. Consumer code. Self-control and HACCP regulations. Food safety culture (EU Reg. 2021/382). Legislative aspects on traceability and traceability. Legislation on Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (MOCA). Organic production and quality schemes (DOP-IGP-TSG). Novel food and GMOs. Official control. Management of national and European alerts and related relations with the competent authorities. Application problems on the production and marketing of products. Food waste legislation (Gadda law). Waste and by-product legislation. Customs regulations and Made in Italy. Models of sustainability in the agri-food supply chains.
Degree in Law from the University of Salerno
PhD in Italian and Comparative Agricultural Law at the University of Pisa
Second national scientific qualification band -
In service at the Department of Agriculture as an associate professor
Antonio Luca Langellotti
Antonio Luca Langellotti
Biologist and PhD in Aquaculture, Dr. Antonio Luca Langellotti has been working at the CAISIAL University Center since 2020 as head of the “Aquaculture and processing of fish products” section. He worked with the Departments of Biology, Veterinary Medicine and with the Interdepartmental Center for Aquaculture of the University of Naples Federico II, with the Consortium for Innovative Biotechnologies CONSABI of Benevento and with the CNR ISMAR of Lesina. Visiting marine scientist at the University of Namibia in 2016 and quality manager and consultant for numerous companies in the food and microalgae production sectors.
Design, management and optimization of freshwater and marine aquaculture systems, cultivation of micro and macroalgae, expert in quality and food safety of fish products, and in the development of new products from aquatic biomass for the food, nutraceutical and cosmetic sectors, valorization of agro-industry by-products, cryopreservation of embryos and gametes of marine organisms, ecotoxicology
Degree in Biological Sciences cum laude
PhD in Aquaculture
Visiting marine scientist University of Namibia
Technologist at the CAISIAL
Technical manager of the Aquaculture and fish products transformation section at the CAISIAL
Fabian Capitanio
Fabian Capitanio
Fabian Capitanio is Professor of Economics and Agricultural Policy at the University of Naples Federico II, Department of Veterinary Medicine where he teaches in all the degree courses of the Department. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications in major journals in the fields of agricultural economics and policy and environmental economics. He is Scientific experts for the World Bank on the topic of risk management in agriculture; Scientific experts for the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development; representative member for the Southern Regions in the Technical Commission at the Mipaaf for the elaboration of the proposals for the adoption of the risk management plan in agriculture, Italian academic expert for the project financed by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission for the drafting of the report “Disaster Risk Management 2020: acting today, protecting Tomorrow”; European scientific contact for the “Worldwide impact of climate change on crop yields since 1890 ‘” project, funded by Columbia University (USA); Scientific Advisor for AON International, member appointed by the Councilor for Agriculture for the Campania Region New Programming Committee; appointed member of the Advisory Committee on the Common Agricultural Policy at the Georgofili Academy. Fabio Capitanio graduated in Economics (1999) and obtained a PhD in Agricultural Economics and Policy (2002) at the University of Naples Federico II and a PhD / Mphil in Environmental Economics (2005), Environment Department, University of York (UK).
Risk Management in agriculture, effects of climate change on the profitability of farms and rural areas, Agricultural and Rural Development Policies, Credit in agriculture, Insurance and financial engineering instruments.
Degree in economics -
PhD in Agricultural Economics and Policy. -
PhD / Mphil in Environmental Economics from Environment Department, University of York.
Angela Sorrentino
Angela Sorrentino
Angela Sorrentino has been a scientific technical officer at the University Center for Innovation and Development of the Food Industry (CAISIAL) of the Federico II University of Naples since 2015. From 2009 to 2015 she was a scientific technical officer at the Faculty and Department of Agriculture of the Federico II University of Naples. Angela Sorrentino graduated in Biological Sciences in 1998, obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Biotechnology (2000) and a PhD in Plant Biotechnology (2004) at the Federico II University of Naples. In 2009 I obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Food Hygiene, Nutrition and Wellness at the Federico II University of Naples. She have carried out research activities in various fields: expression of recombined proteins in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems (mammalian cells, vegetable calluses and GMO plants); characterization and enzymatic modification of proteins from different matrices. Study of the antimicrobial activity of peptides and chitosan. Reduction of mycotoxin contamination by physical methods. She was Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Biology VII and Molecular Biotechnology, RWTH-Aachen University (Germany) and the Institute of Food Research – IFR in Norwich (UK)
Use of enzymes in food processes for the development and optimization of new products and / or for the enhancement of by-products of the agri-food industry.
Degree in Biological Sciences
Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Biotechnology
PhD in Plant Biotechnology.
Postgraduate Diploma in Food Hygiene, Nutrition and Wellness
Nicoletta Antonella Miele
Nicoletta Antonella Miele
Nicoletta Antonella Miele has been a Fixed-Term Researcher in Food Science and Technology at the University of Naples Federico II since 2018 where she teaches “Design of new food products” to students of the Master’s Degree course in Food Science and Technology and “Stability and properties of emulsified systems “to PhD students in Food Science. Previously she worked as an external collaborator in the MAISFOOD project funded by MISE (Made in Italy – Industry 2015) from 2012 to 2014. Winner of scholarships in the following research projects: “Production of low-calorie sweeteners from Mediterranean plants”, “Development of innovative and functional products based on the use of lycopene”, collaborating with a group of international researchers on observation studies on consumers in real conditions of consumption. Scientific manager of a convention concerning the development of analysis methods for the characterization of ventilated systems. <><br/>Nicoletta Antonella Miele graduated in Food Science and Technology (2007), she obtained a research doctorate (2013) in Sciences and technologies of agro-food production at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy) and was Visiting Researcher at the Center de Recherche de l’Institut Paul Bocuse (IPBR -Ecully, France)
Development of new products, enhancement of traditional products, study of the relationship between structure and properties of food emulsions and foams.
Degree in Food Science and Technology
PhD in Sciences and technologies of agro-food production
Visiting Researcher at the Center de Recherche de l’Institut Paul Bocuse (IPBR
-Ecully, Francia)
Elena Torrieri
Elena Torrieri
Elena Torrieri is Associate Professor of Food Science and Technology at the University of Naples Federico II, Department of Agriculture where she teaches Technology of packaging and distribution of food products at the Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology. He is the author of about 50 scientific publications in international journals in the field of food product packaging technologies and related study of shelf-life. He is a member of the working group of section IV of the Superior Health Council on Food Safety. He is responsible for the quality assurance of study courses in Food Technology and Food Science and Technology of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II. He is a member of the board of directors of the Italian Scientific Food Packaging Group (GSICA). He is a member of the editorial board of the Annals of Food Processing and Preservation magazine and of the Coating magazine.
Elena Torrieri graduated in Food Science and Technology in 2000 and received a PhD in Agro-Food Science and Technology in 2003 at the Federico II University of Naples. He carried out research activities as visiting PhD student at University College Cork, Department of “Process Engineering” (2002) and as visiting scientist at the UMR-IATE Agropolymer Engineering and Emerging Technology (INRA, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro and the University of Montpellier II) (2013-2014).
Design, management and optimization of new technologies and new packaging systems for food preservation; development of active films and / or coatings based on biopolymers; design and management of shelf-life studies; Study of food alteration kinetics and shelf-life prediction; physical characterization of packaging materials for food use.
Degree with honors in Food Science and Technology
Visiting PhD Student presso University College Cork, Dipartimento di “Process
PhD in Agro-Food Sciences and technologies
Post-Doc at the Regional Center of Competence for Agro-Food Production, University of Salerno
Food Technology Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II
Visiting researcher presso il centro di Ricerca UMR-IATE Agropolymer Engineering and Emerging Technology (INRA, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro e l’Università di Montpellier II)
Associate Professor of Food Technologies of the Federico II University
Scholarship holders, grant holders, students

Druid Wensleydale
Short legs. Long beard.

Chaplain Mondover
Church dweller.

Jarvis Pepperspray
Self-proclaimed self-defence expert.

Dylan Meringue
Harmless. Savoury food advocate.