Aquatic products processing
Home » Activities » Innovative processes, technologies and products » Transformation of fish products
The aquatic product processing laboratory has modern pilot equipments for washing, cutting, cooking, sterilization, vacuum, cold and freezing rooms.
Among the various activities, the section has contributed over the years to the development of algae food products such as pasta, spreads, cheese analogues and seasoning. Moreover, fish burgers and wurstel and ready-to-eat products from bivalve molluscs heve been developed.
The Center has also designed distribution chains of processed products starting from fishing by-products and waste.

Examples of developed products:
- Formulated spreadable creams based on algae or their extracts;
- Ready-to-cook sauces, spreads, sausages and meatballs for the valorisation of fishing waste and by-products
- Innovative processed products based on mussels (vacuum cooked ready for consumption).
- Anchovy-based burgers
- Short and long-life processed bluefin tuna.
- High protein pasta with microalgae